

How and why we use cookies on our website.

We use cookies to measure how you use our website so that we can continuously improve user experience and monitor site performance. Cookies are used to measure how you use our website so that we can continuously improve user experience, based on your needs, and also monitor site performance.

They are not used to identify you personally - we will not pass your data on to advertising networks or other third parties. Any third-party links to social media channels only deploys third party cookies if you have already signed up to those channels and are logged in. You will normally see a message on the site before we store a cookie on your computer.

Cookies also remember notifications you have may have already seen so that you don't get shown them again.


We use analytics software to collect information about how you use our website. This means we can make sure we are meeting the needs of our users and make continuous improvements based on this information.

Our analytics stores information about:

·       the web pages you visit

·       length of time you spend on each web page

·       how you came to the site (e.g. 3rd party link, social media channel, organic search)

·       what you click on while you’re visiting the site

We do not collect or store your personal information (e.g. your name or address) so this information cannot be used to identify who you are.